The Veronicas - Goodbye To You

This song is in the commercial for Yaz, the female drug (I won't go any further than that! Haha~), so you have definitely heard it before and it was included as a bonus track on the iTunes version of their latest album, Hook Me Up. I really like this song, and I hope you do too! It's extremely catchy. Oh, and that artwork above is fanmade (not by me) by a fan named Leea! It was the only artwork I could find for Goodbye To You, since I have no time lately to make my own...but Leea's is great!

Download link:


Lin said…
Hahah, it's weird to imagine anybody being willing to get exposure through the power of birth control commercials.

Although I wouldn't mind having the song they sing in that one with the swimming CGI composite ladies...

There is a riff I really like in this, kinda quasi-orchestral.
Anonymous said…
It's a remake of a song by Patti Smyth's original band Scandal. It was a big hit in the early days of MTV... back when MTV was actually a music channel!
It's so funny how easy it is to fool kids with remakes and sampling to pretend a song is somehow 'new', since history is so foreign a concept to most youth these days.

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