Erika Jayne Contest Winners!

I present to you...the winner of the contest! These people will each receive a download card of Erika's new single, Give You Everything! (They were chosen randomly out of all the entries.)
Dave G.
Erica O.
Tyler G.
Donna W.
Hayley I.
Congratulations! Here are their reviews exactly as they sent them, except spell checked. :)
Dave G. - Give You Everything is a dance smash with a killer beat! The lalala's at the beginning are really cool, and the verses are sexy. Then there is the chorus which is great fun to sing along to, and is really catchy! An awesome song.
Erica O. - Not much to say about this song but CATCHY! I've been singing it ever since I heard it! My favorite part is the bridge because it was the first part I learned all the words to.
Tyler G. - I really like this song. It's dark and fun! I also like the video which made me laugh. I will definitely be buying Erika Jayne's new album when it comes out!
Donna W. - I like this song a lot. After listening to it on Imeem I went and downloaded all the remixes from iTunes, and I play them in my room and dance around whenever I need to let loose some energy! Thanks for exposing me to this awesome music.
Hayley I. - Not often comes along a song like Give You Everything by the amazing Erika Jayne. With the exciting intro, the enticing verses, and the catchy chorus, what about this song doesn't scream perfection? The remixes aren't bad either. Go buy it now!
I'd like to thank all the Pop-pop-pop-pop! readers for all the support! I received so many entries! If you entered, but were not one of the five winners, I'm really sorry, and I hope you enter and win one of our many more contests that are coming!