Kristine W Contest Winners!

Here are the winners of the Kristine W contest! These people will be receiving the fabulous prizes shown in the previous post. If your name is listed, then check your e-mail!

Wesley B.
Kina K.
Ashley D.

Now check out their reviews for their favorite song from the album!


Wesley B. - My favorite track from Kristine W's new album is Fade. It's obviously the best. The hook grabs your attention, and never lets go.

Kina K. - My favorite track off of The Power Of Music is Into U!! It's so groovy! Everytime I hear it I just wanna dance, and sing along with the chorus! How does a woman have such a voice?

Ashley D. - My favorite track is Fade because it's the catchiest song on the whole album. It's the only one that I liked on the first listen. I love all the others, of course, but very rarely does there come a song that is catchy from the FIRST time you hear it!


Thanks for all the e-mails everyone! I got over 40 entries!!!
Congratulations to the winners! If you didn't win, I'm sorry, but there are more contests to come, so keep checking back!


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