Lauren Hildebrandt - Not Really A Waitress

I received Lauren Hildebrandt's debut album, Not Really A Waitress, in the mail about a week ago. It has been in my CD player ever since. I have received new CD's, but I haven't listened to them yet because whenever I open my CD player to change the CD, I remember a song on this album that I want to listen to. This album is just the kind of perfect Pop that makes Pop lovers love the genre! Almost every song on the album is a song to dance to, and sing along with into a hairbrush. The album starts out with her hit single Boyshorts, which is definitely one of the standout tracks, and third in my top 3 album tracks. It's about throwing on her short short boyshorts when her boyfriend's gonna be around and it's totally on fire! Then comes the title track, Not Really A Waitress. This track sounds likes pop from the 90s, but that's a good thing. Next up is Mr. Wrong, the most R&B of all the tracks. It's very fast moving and catchy. Running Out Of Gas is nex...