Lauren Hildebrandt - Not Really A Waitress

I received Lauren Hildebrandt's debut album, Not Really A Waitress, in the mail about a week ago. It has been in my CD player ever since. I have received new CD's, but I haven't listened to them yet because whenever I open my CD player to change the CD, I remember a song on this album that I want to listen to. This album is just the kind of perfect Pop that makes Pop lovers love the genre! Almost every song on the album is a song to dance to, and sing along with into a hairbrush.
The album starts out with her hit single Boyshorts, which is definitely one of the standout tracks, and third in my top 3 album tracks. It's about throwing on her short short boyshorts when her boyfriend's gonna be around and it's totally on fire! Then comes the title track, Not Really A Waitress. This track sounds likes pop from the 90s, but that's a good thing.
Next up is Mr. Wrong, the most R&B of all the tracks. It's very fast moving and catchy. Running Out Of Gas is next and it's a sad breakup song with a nice beat. It's a standout, with awesome harmonies in the chorus. Get In The Water comes next, and no song has ever felt more like summer! I absolutely love this track because it's so bubble gum pop with strong verses and an equally strong chorus! It features rapper O.N.E., whose rap in the song is pretty good.
Next is my absolute favorite track on the album and #1 in my top 3, Dip Out! I will SO cover this song one day! From the very beginning it's catchy and addicting. It's produced so well also! Then comes Up On The Bar, which is forgettable. Every album has a weak point and this is this album's weak point.
Never Look Back is next, and it is very very similar to Running Out Of Gas, a sad breakup song with a nice beat. Fix Me is second to last, and sounds very oldies-jazz with a piano throughout the whole song and trumpet riffs in the chorus. Lastly is my second favorite track on the album, Underneath! It is heavily auto-tuned, and very electronic. It's probably the catchiest track on the album. Oh, and Josh Harris does an EPIC remix of it, which you should definitely check out!
The album has two more tracks, Mr. Wrong (ft Judge), and Not Really A Waitress (Giving Thanks). This Mr. Wrong is the same as the other, but with a rapper. This track should have been replaced with a Club Mix to cater to her fans, who live in the clubs. Not Really A Waitress (Giving Thanks) is her album's thank you notes, spoken by Lauren over an Instrumental to the title track. Pretty cute!
Here's a tracklist and some links to buy the album, which I would strongly recommend doing! If you've visited this blog, that means you like Pop/Dance music, which this album is totally soaked in! I promise you'll love it.
Tracklist (favorites are in pink!):
1. Boyshorts
2. Not Really A Waitress
3. Mr. Wrong
4. Running Out Of Gas
5. Get In The Water (featuring O.N.E.)
6. Dip Out
7. Up On The Bar
8. Never Look Back
9. Fix Me
10. Underneath
11. Mr. Wrong (featuring Judge)
12. Not Really A Waitress (Giving Thanks)
Links to buy album:
Amazon MP3
CD Baby
Lauren links:
Official Website
Official Blog
Love and enjoy her! Like I said, she's just amazing.