Erika Jayne Contest #3 Winners!

Jonathan B.
Justin B.
Olivia S.
Georgia R.
Congratulations! Check your inboxes for an e-mail from me!
Here are the reviews.
Jonathan B.
Song - 10/10
Video - 9/10
The Dave Aude mix is pretty good of this song, and the video is good too! But the video is not as good as her Roller Coaster video I don't think.
Justin B.
Song - 7/10
Video - 10/10
The song is average and not as upbeat as it could be, but the video is amazing and sexy and brilliant!
Olivia S.
Song - 10/10
Video - 10/10
I found your blog and decided to buy the single and video on iTunes based on the great review you gave it, even though I have never listened to this kind of music before. Then I decided to enter the contest to win the CD! So I think that the song is SOOOOO good, and I'm listening to it daily now! It has the perfect video too, and Erika looks SO pretty in it and I just want to be like her.
Georgia R.
Song - 9/10
Video - 2/10
The song is good, and great to dance to so it gets a 9 out of 10. But I don't like music videos that use sex too much. Some children might be influenced by that in a bad way, so the video only gets a 2 out of 10.
A big thanks to everyone who entered! You are what keeps me posting!
Now if you haven't bought the Pretty Mess single yet, you really should click here!